Residency Application

Internship Application

33.333333333333333333333333330% Complete

Rate Level of Interest

There are 5 ministries that offer internships at The Church of Eleven22 (Campus Leadership, Worship, Kids, Students, Global Mission). For each ministry area below, please rank your interest in serving for an internship. (Note: 1-Star means no interest and 5-Star means definite interest. Please be open to as many ministry areas as possible.)

Worship Ministry Performance Examples

If you are applying for an Internship in our Worship Ministry, please provide the YouTube link to your published demo. Please see the Program Webpage for detailed demo instructions.

Internship Questionnaire

Please submit a completed Internship Questionnaire. Please see Program Webpage for the Questionnaire.

Recommendation Forms

Please submit three Recommendation Forms, one of which must be from your Pastor. Please see the Program Webpage for the Recommendation Form template.